Our daughter’s prayer

by Katie on September 26, 2010

Tonight, when we were putting M to bed, we said our evening prayers together as we do almost every night. We’ve been talking more and more about the adoption lately. She’s had a lot of questions, and seems to be showing a lot more understanding than ever before.

After Shaun prayed, we asked her if she would like to pray, too. She nodded, closed her eyes, settled herself, and then said, “Dear God, we need to adopt my little brother or little sister really soon. Please help us get them really soon. Please keep them safe in Colombia, until my mama and daddy can go get them and ride on an airplane and bring them home to us. Amen.”

Then she opened her eyes and smiled. We smiled, too, and I told her that I thought her prayer made God very happy. She smiled and said, “Yep! It made God happy. And the pilot will tell everyone to sit on their bottoms and put on their seat belts.”

Yes. That, too. :)

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