Huge Milestone: Dossier is Turned In!

by Katie on August 1, 2011

So, this is a quick update to say that we have completed and turned in our dossier! Wow. It feels surreal to say that; we’ve been working on it for six months. There were so many little things that we had to re-do along the way; I thought we would never get it finished. But it is really done.

We were able to hand-deliver the dossier to our adoption agency in Minneapolis because we finished it the day before we drove out of town to go visit my sister and her husband, who live there. I think the lady we gave it to was a little shocked to see us (she knows we live in Texas!). I have to say, I love our agency – they have been so helpful along the way and made so many things easier for us than they would have been otherwise.

So, this is a huge milestone in the process. We are so thankful.

At this point, we wait. We will have to update a few documents here and there along the way as things expire (for example, I think our FBI fingerprint clearance expires pretty soon!). But overall, we’re just waiting for a referral. A “referral” is adoption-language that means we are waiting for them to call us and say, “We have a child for you.” Eeeek!

And, in the meantime, I will also be filling out applications for grants. We still need to raise about $12,000. (Fund-raising update to come soon!)

Thank you to all of you that have walked this journey with us! We’re so super-excited. It’s feeling closer than ever now. Please be praying for us – that the timing of the referral and the fund-raising would all come together perfectly! And for our patience and trust during the process. We are ready for our child to come home. :)

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