T-Shirts and Other Thoughts

by Katie on May 12, 2011

Well, the EXCITING news is that our adoption t-shirts are in! They came in last week, actually, but we’ve been out of town and haven’t had a chance to deal with them. But if you pre-ordered a shirt, you should (hopefully) receive it very soon!

Shaun, wearing a Men’s L

However, we only did a minimum order this first time – 4 shirts of each size. We’ll fill the orders on a first-come, first-served basis, so if you were the 5th person to order a particular size, you’ll have to wait to receive your shirt until our next order is placed. Make sense?

ALSO – a heads up to all the ladies out there! THE WOMEN’S SHIRTS RUN SMALL. Like, a whole size small. So, if you would like to change your order, you can- just let us know what size you want and we will make sure to change it for you so you get the size you need. Email us, leave a comment, text us – whatever – just let us know!

My sweet, tiny mama, wearing a Women’s L

We hope to place our next (and possibly final?) t-shirt order by June 15. So here’s the link; spread the news, tell your friends, post it on FB and Twitter – please, please, please help us get the word out and sell these shirts! YOU ARE HELPING TO PLACE AN ORPHAN INTO A FAMILY – YOU ARE HELPING TO BRING OUR CHILD HOME!

And of course a HUGE THANK-YOU to those of you that have already ordered. We have no words to express our appreciation – you guys rock. :)


In other news, we got a call today from one of the organizations from whom we have applied for an adoption grant/loan. They actually called earlier this morning and left a voice mail, and then I called back this afternoon, once M was down for her quiet time. All day, I was so nervous. I kept wondering why they called and what they wanted to know. I let my brain go crazy and started thinking that they were going to deny our application. While we certainly haven’t put all of our eggs in one basket, let’s just say that they are one of the “bigger baskets” that we are drawing from, in funding this adoption.

By the time I talked to them, I was a nervous wreck. But then the phone call was so easy! And they were so nice! They just wanted to know exactly where we are in the adoption process right now. That’s it! They said our file is under consideration right now, but they also referred us to another partner organization that gives out grants and loans especially to Texans. Yeehaw! I was so relieved when I hung up the phone – I fell onto the couch and just cried my eyes out for a little while.

Why did I get so crazy worked up about that? I think it’s because this adoption process is starting to wear on me. We have been at it for just over a year now…and sometimes it doesn’t feel like we are any closer to bringing our child home than we were when we started. I know that’s not true, of course – it’s just how it feels. And the fundraising process has been steady but so slow. It’s hard not to be discouraged sometimes. At the beginning of the process, we were told that it’s a long hard journey that can test your faith and your patience and just wear you down. And I think I’m there. It’s hard to be in this place. I am ready for our child to be with us now. Whoever he/she is, wherever he/she is, I am ready to bring him/her home. I’m ready to have a gender and a name to tell everyone! I’m ready to KNOW our child.

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